Freelance Editorial Services

Len Cegielka

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Biochemistry / Molecular and Cell Biology
Biology / Biotechnology
Computers / Computing
Food science / Technology
Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Economics
Medicine / Veterinary


A User's Guide to Principal Components
Behavioral Rationality and Heterogeneous Expectations in Complex Economic Systems
Binary Digital Image Processing
Calculus Gems
Density Functional Theory
Differential Topology and Quantum Field Theory
Differential Equations
Economic Analysis in Health Care 2/e
Fractal Geometry in Digital Imaging
Fundamentals of Engineering Mathematics
Gauge Fields and Strings
Geometrical Methods
Handbook of Time Series Analysis
Hyperbolic Geometry and Ergodic Theory
Investment Mathematics and Statistics
Lectures in Fourier Series
Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling
Mathematics Mechanization and Applications
Microeconomic Theory
Modules Over Endomorphism Rings
Poisson Approximation
Schaum's Abstract Algebra
Schaum's Differential and Integral Calculus
Schaum's Basic Mathematics
Schaum's Discrete Mathematics
Schaum's Elements of Statistics, Vol 1
Schaum's Elements of Statistics, Vol 2
Schaum's Set Theory
Statistical Analysis for Business and Economics
Statistical Issues in Drug Development 2/e
Stochastic Processes with Applications
Taking the Fear Out of Data Analysis
Tensors and Manifolds
The Logic of Strategy
The Theory of Economic Policy in a Strategic Context
The Theory of Games
Visualization and Modeling

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